Despite the heat, Team Boxerwood rallied in early August with a 5-day camp for 30 youngsters ages 4 to 8. Led by educators Caroline Coons and Liz Kuehner, the kids in “ouR Camp” discovered the value and power of the 3 “R’s” (reduce, reuse, recycle) – plus many other “R’s” – with camp volunteers contributing extra magic.
Thank you to Boxerwood Board member Tam Teaff, who with her husband created an original Recycling show with their ventriloquist puppet, Danny. Boxerwood friend Schuyler Barefoot, meanwhile, livened up Relating Day by personifying nature through youth storytelling and drawing. As for Renewables, VMI professor of Physics and Engineering Joel Kuehner helped campers understand how the energies of wind and water create power.
Throughout the week the campers translated their discoveries and enthusiasm into art. Puppets from socks, cloth bags from old t-shirts, a group mosaic from upcycled bottle caps: they Recreated it all. The kids also tried out traditional art techniques to celebrate our “R” theme with a Relief, a Resist, and a Reflective piece.
Once again, many hearts, hands, and minds worked together to deliver a Rejuvenating week for the kids. There’s nothing quite like sharing a common vision and gathering our skills and love to make it happen. We R grateful!