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Lemonange, A True Summertime Story

Emily Kohl

One sunny afternoon in early August, 4th graders Lily and Talya knocked on the door of Boxerwood educator Catherine Epstein, their Lexington neighbor. Rather than asking Catherine if she could come out to play, as usual, the girls had a different question. They held out a small plastic tupperware filled with dollar bills and coins. “Would you bring this to Boxerwood?” they asked.

The girls explained that they’d gathered the money from a snack stand they had organized earlier in the summer. Catherine remembered buying some delicious cupcakes from them – chocolate cake with vanilla icing and sparkling green sprinkles – but had no idea their efforts were all in support of Boxerwood. Soon, she learned just how much collaboration and effort had gone into a fundraiser, and how excited the girls were to give to a place they’d been enjoying for years. 


As recounted to Catherine, Lily and Talya reported they had worked on every aspect of the fundraiser as a team. They had already invented their signature drink – a combination of lemonade and orange juice they call “lemonange” – at Talya’s birthday party. Before selling it, they taste-tested the drink together to find the right balance of sweet and sour flavor. They also baked the cupcakes together– and, importantly, they also made two cupcakes for themselves. 


Their teamwork continued at the stand as well, where they discovered the benefits of serving customers collaboratively rather than on their own. As Lily explained, “If you have two people, you can do two things at the same time. Like you can hand someone their cupcake and pour a drink at the same time.” They worked together throughout the afternoon to beckon customers, handle payment and change, and distribute their snacks.


As Lily and Talya remember, it wasn’t until they had set up the stand on Ross Road that they decided to use their profits not for new toys or books, but as a fundraiser for Boxerwood. Over the years, each of them have created Boxerwood memories and experiences that make the woodland garden an especially beloved adventurous place. “I like how you can play this humongous game of hide and seek,” explained Talya, “and it sorta loops from place to place.” Lily added that she loved going down the slip ‘n’ slide at Boxerwood Camp, which she said was very refreshing, “especially on a hot day.” Both of them also described Boxerwood as a place where they feel welcome, and where they’re allowed to be kids. “I think it’s special because you can just do really whatever you want there,” said Lily, “and it’s a space where you don’t cut down trees unless they need to be cut down.” In that way, they appreciate Boxerwood as a place that lets nature be nature and kids be kids. 


When asked whether they’d consider more service projects in the future, the girls said they were already in the midst of planning. “We could make fruit smoothies?” wondered Talya. “We could make different choices of smoothies!” added Lily. Whatever they pursue, it’s clear that teamwork helped this pair support their community in ways that aren’t just creative and helpful, but enjoyable too. 


Reflecting on their efforts, Lily declared, “I think we did it because we love Boxerwood.” Talya added, “And we thought it would be fun,” to which Lily responded, “And it was fun!” Thank you, Talya and Lily, for the $26.11!

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