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Caring & Sharing: Gifts of Nature Dec. 7

Catherine Epstein

‘Tis the season when families gather at Boxerwood to craft a holiday feast for the birds and wildlife that winter in their backyards. Honeysuckle wreaths, dried fruit icicles, cranberry garlands, and suet-and-seed cupcakes are among the “tweets” you can make at the Gifts of Nature workshop on Saturday, December 7 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Boxerwood will provide vines, cones, winter berries, and greenery harvested from the woodland garden, as well as suet, raffia, and other project supplies. Boxerwood  will also have glue guns, upcycled materials, and nature treasures for making fun holiday ornaments. 

Families are asked to contribute one type of wildlife food, such as seeds, nuts, dried fruit, popcorn, citrus, or fresh cranberries as able.

Please join us for this heartfelt family program. Activities will take place at the Pavilion and nearby spaces. If it’s chilly out, we will have hot cider and a burn barrel for warmth. To help cover expenses, Boxerwood requests a $10 donation from non-member families and $5 donations from member families. No advance registration required. Rain date is Sunday, Dec. 8 from 1 - 5 pm.

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